12 Quick and Surprisingly Easy Steps to Start Losing Weight Right Now

Last Updated: November 5th, 2019

Are you fed up with your weight? Want to start losing weight right now with instant results? Then you’re probably Googling ways to start losing it as quickly as possible. We’re all believers in instant gratification, so the sooner you see results, the better.

easy ways to start loosing weightAnyone who’s ever been on a strict diet knows that they can be tough to stick to. Often, we start with the best intentions, only to falter when we discover that the diet we hoped would work miracles is actually impossible to maintain long-term.

If the diet in question is a crash diet, we often end up regaining all the weight we lost plus a few pounds once the diet is over. This cycle of dieting and regaining can slowly sap willpower and make the next weight loss attempt even harder.

However, there are some simple steps that you can take to kick-start your weight loss with no calorie counting, self-denial or complicated diet regimes. These are simple lifestyle changes, designed to help you make the switch to healthy eating habits that are manageable and sustainable. Even better, they won’t cost you a dime to get started right away.

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Here are twelve steps you can take right now to start getting those results.

Steps to start losing weight right now around food

1. Say Goodbye to Sugar

Sugar is quite possibly the number one contributing factor to obesity. Consuming too much puts you at risk of diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease and tooth decay, according to the World Health Organization. Cutting it out of your life is a sure-fire way to start losing weight quickly.

Sugar is obvious in many forms, such as cakes, cookies and pies, but it also lurks in places you may not have expected, such as in soda, ketchup, yogurt, salad dressing, bread, granola, juice, energy drinks and your favorite coffee pick-me-ups. Don’t bother trying to substitute artificial sweeteners as a short-cut.

According to a study conducted by the Massachusetts General Hospital, artificial sweeteners don’t help you lose weight. In fact, they do the opposite. Reduce your sugar consumption to 10 percent of your daily energy consumption to see a dramatic success in your weight loss journey.

2. Pick Whole Foods

whole foods for weight lossSometimes labels like “organic,” “whole,” and “unprocessed” can seem confusing to someone who doesn’t spend his or her time reading labels. What whole foods are is simply food in its natural state: fish, chicken, tomatoes, potatoes, apples, onions, mushrooms. They haven’t been processed into French fries, potpies, tomato sauce, apple juice or cream of mushroom soup.

When you choose whole foods, you can take them home and cook them yourself, thereby bypassing all the sodium, oils, fats, sugars and preservatives processed foods are packed with.

This may seem daunting if your schedule is super busy. Take a few shortcuts to make it easier:

  • Roast a chicken and keep the meat on-hand to make quick salads for work lunches.
  • Have frozen shrimp at the ready to be steamed up within minutes and tossed with Old Bay seasoning.
  • Vegetables like fennel, Brussels sprouts, squash, potatoes, broccoli, onions and butternut squash can be tossed in oil and salt and roasted in the oven at a high temp.
  • Fillets of fish sauté quickly and easily in butter and olive oil. Pick fresh fruits like pineapple, star fruit, mangoes and oranges to enjoy as dessert.

Want to eat more healthy overall? Checkout Splendid Spoon. This is a great service for plant based meals to help you stay heathy and lean. Delivered, ready to eat!

Another favourite of ours is HomeChef! And for a limited time you can get 3 free meals, just to try it out. HomeChef can help you plan your meals, in a way to lose weight too. Give it a try! Claim your 3 free meals here.

3. Slow down when you eat

When you’re tucking into your favourite meal or treat, it’s easy to wolf it down quickly without really noticing how much you’ve consumed. It’s also easy to miss the signals from your body that you’ve eaten enough. This can lead to you eating far more than you really need and that uncomfortable, over-full feeling that comes with eating too much, too quickly.

A recent study by the BMJ Open has discovered a strong link between the speed you eat and your likelihood of being obese. Gathering data from 60,000 study participants with diabetes, the researchers found that people who took their time eating their meals were a whopping 42% less likely to be obese than people who were fast eaters. (3)

If you’re used to scarfing your food, this can be a difficult habit to break. Try focusing on chewing your food properly to slow down the time it takes to finish your meal. You could even set a timer to really set your focus on just how long you’re taking.

4. Use a smaller plate

Most dine on regular 12-inch dinner plates without a second thought. However, studies have shown that simply switching to a smaller plate could help reduce portion size, and therefore calorie intake, with barely any effort. (4)

So, how exactly does a smaller plate size help you consume less calories? It all comes down to a nifty optical illusion known as the Delbouef Illusion. The Delbouef Illusion refers to the way our brains believe that circles of the same size are bigger if they are surrounded by a smaller circle.

In other words, put the same amount of food onto a smaller plate and your brain will believe the portion is bigger. So, you’ll be less likely to serve yourself more food than you actually need. Researchers have shown that the size of your plate can affect your opinion of how much food is actually in a portion by up to 12%.

We’ve compiled a list of great small plates that you can get on Amazon right now:

5. Increase your fiber intake

You’ve probably heard that fiber is all-important for the health of your gut. However, you may not realize that a high-fiber diet is a fantastic tool for weight loss.

foods containing viscous fiberThe best type of fiber to eat for weight loss is viscous fiber. When combined with the water, this type of fiber forms a gel-like consistency that slows the passage of food through your digestive system. This also means that your stomach takes longer to empty, leaving you feeling fuller after your meal for longer. In fact, studies have found that including plenty of viscous fiber in your diet can stop you from developing fat around your abdomen. (6)

Luckily, foods containing viscous fiber are inexpensive, tasty and easy to incorporate into your diet. In fact, you may find that you are already eating foods rich in viscous fiber and simply need to up the amount you eat. Cereals such as oats and barley, beans and pulses and fruits high in pectin such as apples and oranges are all excellent sources.

Instead, take it in stride. Drink some water, go for a walk and move on. Make your next meal a great one. Make your next choice a good one. The more you make the right decisions, the more they’ll become habits.

How to start loosing weight when out

6. Skip the Bar Scene

skip the martini and lose weightDo you like to relax with a few martinis at the end of the night? It might be time to pack that away. Not only is alcohol packed with sugar (read above), it’s full of empty calories. A typical beer has about 134 calories per can. A glass of wine has about 123 calories, and a shot of 80 proof vodka has about 63 calories. Start making mixed drinks and the calories soar (hi, Long Island with your 300 calories).

And there’s an added reason alcohol affects your waistline: according to CNN, alcohol makes your metabolism stop burning the calories you consumed from food and diverts its attention entirely to ridding your body of the alcohol. In fact, studies show that alcohol stops fat burning primarily in your stomach, which is why people get the dreaded “beer belly.”

If you truly want to drink, stick to wine or a shot with seltzer water, keep it to one or two a night, drink plenty of water at the same time and eat sensibly while you drink. Here is a little known water hack for weight loss too.

7. Avoid Fast Food Like the Plague

I know, I know! Fast food is easy, convenient and dare I say tasty. Let me be honest, I love McDonalds but you know what else, I would never bring my kids there. I won’t do it even if you pay me.

Fast food is one of the top reasons why we all gain weight. But if you want to start losing weight right now, then you have to avoid it like the plague. This might not be as easy to achieve but if you put a bit of effort and find a healthy alternative, you will soon be on your way of shedding lbs.

For me, this was a long struggle but I finally did it. I now visit McDonald only twice a year. Like some of you, I love my big macs, so every 6 months I go in and order 2 with large fries. I know I won’t be back for a while so I try and enjoy the moment as much as I can. You can do it too. Start small and first just skip 1 trip, then 2 and so on, until you are no longer thinking about fast food.

I know some would say that I should have added this with the food section above but I find that we are most susceptible to consume fast food when out, at the office or on the run. If you are ready to start losing weight right now, I highly recommend that you avoid fast food restaurants as much as you can.

Want to take this a step further? How about a complete meal delivery service? If you want to get the best possible meal delivery for you, there is no better place. The folks at Complete Meal Delivery will let you compare and choose from some of the top brands on the market.

Start losing weight right now with exercise

8. Choose an Exercise You Enjoy

Changing your diet is a great way to lose weight. Adding exercise is a two-punch approach that will amplify your success.

exercise for weight loss

It’s important to choose an exercise that you’re happy with and that you feel you’ll consistently engage in. Do you like the speed and excitement of high-intensity interval training, go for it. If biking is more your thing, go for that. If you prefer the ease of walking, that’s fine, too. As long as you challenge yourself while you’re exercising, you’ll start to lose weight and see progress.

Just don’t choose something that is so difficult or uncomfortable that you dread doing it. You’re liable to give up on it if you do.

Want to try and stretch at home? I used this secret program to stretch and work on my hip flexor muscles. The program does wonders for our overall health and we do it at home. I bet you never heard of the hip flexor! Not too many people have so check it out here.

9. Add a Second Exercise

Once you master your initial exercise routine, you’ll undoubtedly feel much better and start experiencing a difference. But there also comes a point when it might become a bit boring. Not only that but once your body gets used to it, it will also stop burning fat for energy.

Now is the time to add a second exercise to your routine. Again, pick something you enjoy doing and that won’t make you feel pressured. For example, if you initially picked biking, maybe start taking a short walk every day. If you picked running, do a set of pushups or pull-ups. The choices are endless. All that matters, if you want to start losing weight right now, is to just do it.

if you haven’t yet, check out our 21 Simple and Cost-Free Habits to do Every Day for Better Health!

Other thing to consider if you want to start losing weight right now

10. Build on Your Successes

If you think too much on your long-term goal, you might get discouraged, especially if you’re trying to lose more than 10 or 15 pounds. Instead, put one success in front of the other. Have a good day of eating right, making good choices, incorporating exercise and getting to bed on time. Then, the next day, make another great decision.

You’ll begin to see those decisions making changes to both your body and your mind. Enjoy each and every little improvement: your pants getting a little loose; climbing the stairs getting easier; your jawline getting a little sharper. The process itself is rewarding and empowering, not just the end goal.

11. Don’t Punish Yourself for “Failures”

Losing weight isn’t just about what you do in one day; it’s about what you do over a period of time. If you cave in and scarf down a large order of French fries, don’t conclude that you’ve ruined your progress. That’s a recipe for disaster.

For some reason, we seem to be wired to think that if we’ve made a mistake, we may as well sink the entire ship rather than fix the sail. One order of French fries can lead to a visit to a country buffet and a night of ice cream bingeing. All that does is pile a few thousand more calories on a 500-calorie mistake.

12. Keep properly hydrated

hydrate for weight lossDrinking enough water is vital for all-around wellness. However, a lesser-known fact is that drinking plenty of water can actually help to increase your metabolism. Nearly half of Americans fail to drink enough water. However, research from the University of Utah has shown that there is a strong link between the amount of water you drink and the speed of your metabolism. The study showed that drinking eight glasses of water per day helped burn more calories overall. (1)

Drinking water is also a great way to test whether or not you are really hungry. Studies have shown that the symptoms of hunger and thirst can be difficult to tell apart. So, when you start to feel hungry, you may actually be dehydrated instead. Topping up on water can give you a feeling of fullness in your stomach and ease those pangs. (2) Before you reach for the snack jar, try a refreshing glass of water first.

Also if you really want to see super fast results, try on this little known water hack. It works wonders.

The final word on how to start losing weight right now

Although it can seem tough at times, losing weight doesn’t have to be rocket science. As you can see, you can make a great start on your weight loss journey by implementing extremely simple and quick changes to your lifestyle without a treadmill or rice cake in sight. Remember that slow and steady weight loss is the healthiest, and measures that are easy to maintain are the best way to long-term sustained slimming.

Remember, fad diets and starvation techniques only work short-term and can cost you your health and well-being. Sustainable weight loss comes from making better lifestyle choices that you can live with in the long run. These six tips will help you do just that.


1. Vance, S. (2015). The perfect metabolism plan. 1st ed. San Francisco: Conari Press, pp. 133-134.
2. Arnaud, M. (1998). Hydration throughout life. 1st ed. Vittel (BP 101, 88804): Institut de l’eau, pp. 19-20.
3. Hurst Y, Fukuda H. Effects of changes in eating speed on obesity in patients with diabetes: a secondary analysis of longitudinal health check-up data.BMJ Open 2018;8:e019589. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019589
4. Steenhuis, I., & Poelman, M. (2017). Portion Size: Latest Developments and Interventions. Current Obesity Reports, 6(1), 10-17.
5. Shumaker, R. and Lackey, S. (2013). Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality. 1st ed. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, p.92.
6. Hairston, K. G., Vitolins, M. Z., Norris, J. M., Anderson, A. M., Hanley, A. J. and Wagenknecht, L. E. (2012), Lifestyle Factors and 5‐Year Abdominal Fat Accumulation in a Minority Cohort: The IRAS Family Study. Obesity, 20: 421-427.
7. Ross, A. (2006). Modern nutrition in health and disease. 10th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, p. 89.